Save the date!

6th International Congress for IoPT: 14th ot 16th of October 2022, planned in Munich

A good comprehension of my theory and method in English.


For further informations about the workshops and lectures in England and the international training contact Vivian Broughton and have a look at her websites and her blockposts:

(the 'rainbow book')... goes online!

In three parts:

1. Talking about Trauma
2. Beginnings
3. Healing Trauma? 

I have made three videos based on my book,
Becoming Your True Self: a handbook for the journey from trauma to healthy autonomy...
there is still much in the book that is not in the videos... but I think putting it online in this form is helpful. Do feel free to share them with friends etc.
Best wishes, Vivian


My Books in English

Books in English by Franz Ruppert all published by Green Balloon Books, Steyning (UK) can be
ordered by John Mitchell: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

You can order the books at or at Amazon.

Love, Lust & Trauma. 
Towards a Healthy Sexual Identity (2020)
ISBN 978-1838141905


Who am I in a traumatised and traumatising Society? (2019)
Green Balloon Publishing


My Body, My Trauma, My I (2018)
Setting up Intentions - Exiting our Traumabiography
Steyning: Green Balloon Publishing


Early Trauma (2018)
Pregnancy, birth and first years of life
Steyning: Green Balloon Publishing.
In the book of my colleague John Wilks I have also made a contribution to this topic, please see ...


Trauma, Fear & Love (2015)
How the Constellation of the Intention can support Healthy Autonomy.
Steyning. Green Balloon Publishing


Symbiosis and Autonomy (2012)
Steyning: Green Balloon Publishing
ISBN 978-0-9559683-3-4


Splits in the Soul (2011)
Steyning: Green Balloon Publishing
ISBN 978-0955968327


Trauma, Bonding and Familiy Constellations (2008)
Steyning: Green Balloon Publishing
ISBN 978-0955968303



Franz Ruppert (2002). Psychosis & Schizophrenia: Disturbed Bonding in Family Systems.
Systemic Solutions Bulletin, 3, 12-19.

Franz Ruppert (2006). Integrating Split Components of the Soul.
The Knowing field, 7, 23-29.

Franz Ruppert (2006). Constellations under the Sign of Multi-generational Systemic Psychotraumatology.
Self & Society, 4, 10-19


Lecture "Symbiosis & Autonomy" on DVD - Order here...

Or watch the London lectures on YouTube


The Trauma of Identity, London 15.04.2016 PDF-File

The Symbiotic Trauma PDF-File

The Trauma of Identity, London 15.04.2016 PDF-File

Perpetrators and Victims, London PDF-File

Early Trauma PDF-File

Burnout - Stress or Trauma? PDF-File

Symbiosis and Autonomy - The concept of split personality and its consequences for psychotherapy, University College Cork 11th of November 2011 PDF-File

What are the implications of a Multi-Generational Theory of Trauma on our view of society? PDF-File

Trauma and symbiotic entanglement PDF-File

Love and Trauma - stepping out of symbiotic entanglement PDF-File   



Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert

Englmannstr. 2 (2. OG)
D-81673 München

+49 (0) 170 7348434

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