A good comprehension of my theory and method in English: Link
Narcissism or Healthy Identity? 16th August 2019 at the University of Los Angeles PDF-File
Background information
Podcast that compiles my way towards IoPT
IoPT in the US
Stephen Gyllenhaal, the author of the film "In Utero" has started to bring Identity oriented Psychotraumatheory and -therapy to the United States. Here is a letter from him, with important informations:
"I’ve encountered a new form of therapy out of Germany that I am now bringing to the United States as the foundation of my new practice.
It’s call IoPT (Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy) and it has been sweeping across Europe, Scandinavia, Asia and parts of South America. It has yet to hit the U.S. shores, but that’s about to change.
You can visit the newly created IoPT-USA website to learn more.
My very warmest,
Your can contact Stephen: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Head over to the "England-Page" to see the English books.