A good comprehension of my theory and method in English: Link



Corpul meu, trauma mea, eul meu (2019)
Constelarea intenției - eliberarea de biografia traumatică
Editura Trei Bucaresti
Order here


Autonomie și simbioză(2015)
Tre-Verlag, Bukarest.
ISBN 978-606-719-388-6
Order here


Trauma, atasament, constelatii familiale (2012)
Bucaresti: Editura Trei
ISBN 978-973-707-568-0
Order here


Narcissism, dependency or Healthy Identity PDF-File

Healthy Relationships Bucarest 2015 PDF-File

Early Trauma Bucarest 11th of October 2014 PDF-File

Symbioses and Autonomy in relationships - What are the consequences of a symbiotic trauma? PDF-File



Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert

Englmannstr. 2 (2. OG)
D-81673 München

+49 (0) 170 7348434

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