Eu quero viver, amar e ser amado/Maio 2023

I want to liveto love and to be loved

Therapeutic Work with Prof. Franz Ruppert, based on the Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Theory (IoPT)

Our psychic development begins with a huge potential for vital joy, ability to love and a great need to be loved. So why don't we keep this way over time? Why do we lose our joy of living and suppress our basic needs? Identity oriented Psychotrauma Theory (IoPT) invites the person to fine-tune themselves in order to reinstate their original vitality.

The online workshop will take place on Tuesday, 02nd of May 2023, lasting six hours.
Lisbon, London, Luanda: 13:00-19:00 hours
Munich: 14:00-20:00 hours
Brasília : 09:00-15:00 hours

Cuiabá: 08:00-14:00 hours
New York: 08:00-14:00 hours

The  workshop will be in English and Portuguese. Duration: 6 hours.

For further information please click:

Date of next Workshop: 28th of June. 

You can also find Franz Ruppert's new book here:

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Beginn der Veranstaltung 02-05-2023 14:00
Ende der Veranstaltung 02-05-2023 20:00
Einzelpreis 75,00€
Veranstaltungsort Onlineformat
Veranstaltungskategorien Fortbildung in Englisch-Brasilianisch


Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert

Englmannstr. 2 (2. OG)
D-81673 München

+49 (0) 170 7348434

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