Information about my activities in different countries you will find on top of this website.
Please click on the flag corresponding with the country.
A good comprehension of my theory and method in English.
International Training & Events
Apply for the 6th International Training 2022/23 in Munich.
All my dates for seminars and lectures
Interviews & Showcase
All my interviews with Christine Wong on IOPT and how trauma affects us in our everyday lives on youtube.
Showcase of an online process in German and English.
Directions to my practice in Munich
Way to practice and recommandations for hotels and private rooms in Munich (pdf-file)
My Books in English
Books in English by Franz Ruppert all published by Green Balloon Books, Steyning (UK) can be ordered by John Mitchell:
Find all of them and all of those translated in different languages here.
Lecture "Symbiosis & Autonomy" on DVD you can order directly
Youtube Videos London Lectures